Tuesday, August 14, 2012


This concludes Fashion Media. Thank you Walter Pfeiffer for joining our course. See more of our Hero.

Friday, August 10, 2012

VI. Values in Fashion Photography

Love & Truth in Photography

Gadamer, Truth & Method

 Dick Hebdige , Subculture: The Meaning of Style

Subcultures are both authentic and mediated. The re-presentation of subcultural style is part of the game of fashion and fashion photography.

The punk subculture transfered the establishment tarten to a new system of rebellion and fashion that liberate plaid and gavie it a new life and presence in fashion and fashion photography.

Subcultural re-presentation "validates" the groups historic place in history according to Hebdige. Here documentay photos of May 1968 are re-used.

Susan Sontag on Camp

V. Realism & Fashion Photography

Interview Magazine, introduced in limited number and distributed by hand, was a key shift in fashion media. A lifestyle magazine, it placed emphasis on fashion figures in real life settings.

Warhol's polaroids served as both studies for paintings and documentation of his world.

Bob Richardson

Above i-D by Terry Jones introduced street photography, followed by many like Fruits below.

Above and below Corinne Day