Monday, August 6, 2012

I. Fashion & Fashion Media

 "Venus of Rags," Pistoletto, 1967

What is fashion...?

Filmaker Wim Wenders as fashion designer Yohji Yamamoto where does fashion begin and he remarks with "form and material." He explains he wants his work to be "new enough"and "classic, forever."

Above, it was aristocracy who set the system of change of clothing for occasion. Below democratic capitalism increased the availability of fashion. 

Adornment, the decorative element of fashion, can be found in all groups as clothing associated with meaning. Democratic capitalism gives meaning and added economic value to fashion brands.

Above the mystification of fashion is exemplified in Yves Saint Lurent now branded as Saint Laurent. Below it is fashion media that promotes brands and is perceived from many points of view. 

This course focus is on fashion media, specifically fashion photography and desire. Above left an editorial photo for Vogue and right an advertisement photo for Tom Ford. Below Tom Ford advertisements photographed by Tom Ford.

Georg Simmel, Fashion

Above the G-20 in largely similar clothing. Below Casto in military dress. The question of uniformity and distinction evokes questions of intention and reception of clothing.

Above and below classic, uniform clothing codes with distinctive fashion codes. 

Above and below distinguishing male dress.

Roland Barthes, Fashion Photography

Above and below, the fashion photo creates a scene that is ultimately meaningless, a fragmentation of narrative that denies fulfillment and suspends mystery.

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